Don't worry, I haven't driven yet. But here are some things I've learned by observing so far...
- When approaching an intersection, just honk your horn to let the traffic know you're coming; that way, you don't have to stop or even slow down!
- You can fit through just about any space between vehicles; all you gotta do is honk and try.
- Stopping before turning onto another street is really more of a LIGHT yield
- Helmets on motorcycles are optional, especially for children
- Motorcycles can carry 4-5 people, whether grown men or a mixture of adults and children.
- There are no lanes of traffic. Go wherever you fit to get there the fastest (so you can hurry up and wait)
- The speed bumps in the roads are called "polisi tidur" (police sleeping)! Awesome, right?! Then they can eat all the donuts (which just came here a few months ago) and drink all the coffee they want without an ounce of guilt! Police in America really should take notes!
- Although you're supposed to drive on the left side of the road, feel free to use the right side of the road to pass a vehicle at any time, no matter the oncoming traffic.
- Honk at pedestrians, bicyclists, men pushing food carts, etc. because YOU always have the right of way. Oh, and don't slow down or make a wide turn to avoid them crossing a street. It's their fault if they didn't move enough out of your way.
- And last but not least, do whatever is best for YOU.
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