Monday, November 29, 2010

A Mismatched Blog

These pictures depict only some of the fun that has ensued in the last few days. Thanksgiving pictures are not included because I forgot my camera, but we had a great time, really yummy food, and even a turkey!

I cooked with a mortar and pestel for the first time!

Som Tam- so yummy!

Tom Yam- it was thai night at our house :)

And finally, last but NOT least, our kitchen faucet is finally fixed!! Yay!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Market Day

I LOVE going to the pasar (market)!!! It's so fun seeing the hussle and bussle of people going about their daily lives. Taking in all the beautiful colors of fruits and vegetables. Listening to friends and neighbors visiting. Hearing sellers and buyers bargaining...enambelas, tidak empatbelas, tidak limabelas (sixteen, no fourteen, no fifteen). Pushing your way through to get to the fruits and vegetables of choice. Enjoying the early morning (aka 6:30am!!) when it's still cool outside and when everyone is out. I sneaked some pictures today, so you could enjoy a little taste of market day too :)

3 different kinds of sweet potatoes!

Zucchini, cucumber, tomatoes, and chayote (that's Spanish, I don't know what it's called here!)

Happiness :)

Most of my purchases after I washed them...mangoes, limes, chiles, lemongrass, laos (kind of like ginger), lime leaves, young papaya, spinach, green beans, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and fish sauce. Can you tell I'm craving Thai food...for those of you who know about tom yum and som tam?!

Friday, November 19, 2010

What to Do When It's Really Hot... to the North Pole, of course!

...or when that fails, just pretend you are entering the North Pole when you enter an "air conditioned" room. Until it becomes too hot outside for the AC to work. Then kick your imagination into high gear. You're gonna need it!

Hijau, Gunung, dan Sakit Tapala

Green. A mountain. And a headache.

After the sacrifices, we went hiking!!! To a mountain!! Where it is green!! And the air is fresh!! It was beautiful. The only bad part was getting a migraine...I think because of a combination of animal sacrifices, fish soup for breakfast, extreme heat, etc. Oh well. It was still fun and pretty. Here are some pictures :)

 Friends :)

 A look out to the Indian Ocean
 Thunder, lightning, clouds...but no rain :(
Although it was hot and two of us were sick, it was beautiful to be in some green with scenes like this :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Idul Adha

Idul Adha is a Muslim holiday celebrated to remember Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Ishmael. On this day, Muslims pray, sacrifice animals, and spend time with family. I got to witness some of this holiday at the mosque behind my house. Some of these pictures are kind of graphic, just warning you...

 One of the cows and some goats before the sacrifice.
 My buleh friends as well as my closest neighbor friend who helps me with language :)
 The mosque behind my house...and a fragment of balloons being sold by one of the neighborhood men.
 Goat sacrifice. That's all I'll say about that.
Dead animals being hung up to be cut and handed out as meat. Some is given to the person who bought the animal and some to the poor.

This was definitely a cultural experience for me. Can't say that I'm looking forward to repeating it next year, but it was a great opportunity to see all of our neighbors. We even got to go to the neighborhood leader's house for breakfast (like I could stomach breakfast after watching this), but I managed a couple bites in order to not be rude. The rest of the day will come in the next blog post...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Art of Driving  

Don't worry, I haven't driven yet. But here are some things I've learned by observing so far...
  • When approaching an intersection, just honk your horn to let the traffic know you're coming; that way, you don't have to stop or even slow down!
  • You can fit through just about any space between vehicles; all you gotta do is honk and try.
  • Stopping before turning onto another street is really more of a LIGHT yield
  • Helmets on motorcycles are optional, especially for children
  • Motorcycles can carry 4-5 people, whether grown men or a mixture of adults and children.
  • There are no lanes of traffic. Go wherever you fit to get there the fastest (so you can hurry up and wait)
  • The speed bumps in the roads are called "polisi tidur" (police sleeping)! Awesome, right?! Then they can eat all the donuts (which just came here a few months ago) and drink all the coffee they want without an ounce of guilt! Police in America really should take notes!
  • Although you're supposed to drive on the left side of the road, feel free to use the right side of the road to pass a vehicle at any time, no matter the oncoming traffic.
  • Honk at pedestrians, bicyclists, men pushing food carts, etc. because YOU always have the right of way. Oh, and don't slow down or make a wide turn to avoid them crossing a street. It's their fault if they didn't move enough out of your way.
  • And last but not least, do whatever is best for YOU.
These are some of the "rules" I've observed in the last month and can remember right now as I sit down to write. I'm sure there are more to come, especially as I start driving :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Typical Sunday Activities in SE Asia

 A quiet Sunday afternoon of baking (me), scrapbooking (Valerie), and napping (Becca) suddenly got interrupted when I decided to be kind to our house helper and do some of the mound of dishes that had accumulated in the sink. With the rinse water already in the tea kettle on the stove, I turned on the faucet to begin soaping up the dishes.
  The knob turned, and then, the faucet came completely off of the pipe, gushing, and I mean, gushing water into the kitchen!!
 As I was trying to see what the problem was so I could stop the water, I essentially was standing in front of a fire hydrant, luckily blocking most of the water from directly hitting my computer which sat behind me. I screamed, and Valerie came to my rescue, shutting off the water supply through that pipe.
 After mopping up the flooded kitchen, wiping down the wet cabinets and counters, and bringing the fan into the kitchen to prevent mold, we set to work on fixing the problem because, as perfect timing would have it, all of the men on our team left today for a week long conference. We have to place some kind of plug where the kitchen faucet used to be because if we shut off the water to the kitchen, we shut off the water to the bathroom too, which means no showers or flushing the toilet. Problematic, to say the least. But, necessity is the mother of invention...and we have a scientist living among us!
 Yes, this is a bunched up sponge tied around with rubber bands. We didn't really use the wrench, it just added special effect for the picture.
 In order to limit the use of water going through that pipe, we used the pipe in the garage to fill up buckets of water which we then dumped in our "tub" in the bathroom. Now we can flush the toilet SE Asian style with cups of water from here. And, if the sponge/rubber band concoction doesn't solve the shower issue, we can use this water to shower SE Asian style as well.
We were dying laughing through this whole thing. We kept saying, "Just think! There's no way we would have experienced a Sunday afternoon like this in the states!" Oftentimes, it's comical living in another country! But, hey, now I know what to do when the kitchen faucet comes off the pipe and the water is turned on! Those are valuable things to know, you know!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Birthdays in SE Asia

Friends. Loud. Crazy. Food. Fun. Pranks. Gifts.

This is tumpeng, or as us bulehs call it, volcano rice. It is a cone of yellow (saffron) rice with a chile at the top. Around it is a variety of foods: cucumbers, tomatoes, strips of egg, chicken wings, tempe with a spicy peanut sauce (amazing to my tongue but NOT to my stomach!), and fried potato cake things (can you tell I didn't try those?!).
The tradition is that the birthday person cuts the top of the volcano, so Becca got the honor :) We had lots of fun eating a traditional birthday food and then enjoying an American birthday cake afterwards :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

It's Not Every Day...

you get chased by one of these while you run.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Language Mishaps

In the last couple days, I've realized that a few common words I have been using very frequently in the last week have been wrong. I now think that my neighborhood is convinced that there is no hope for this poor buleh's language to get any better.

For example, the word "pulang" means to go home. When you pass by people on the streets here, they ask "Ke mana?" which literally means, "Where are you going?" They're not really trying to be nosy; that's just the phrase they use like we use, "How are you?" So, naturally, I have replied in several variations to who knows how many people, "Saya palang", which I thought meant, "I'm going home." Turns out, "palang" means bulletin board! But all my neighbors have been so gracious to me. None of them have laughed at me...or tried to correct me, which is both a nice thing and a bad thing. Oh well. Now I know. It's scary to think about how many other words I've misspoken to my neighbors! Hopefully nothing bad!!

On a positive note, I have been able to speak with many many of the people who live in our neighborhood this week!!! And more than 10 second awkward conversations too! I was invited into a handful of homes for conversation, which was such a fun treat! The people here are so generous and hospitable. Another positive thing--I counted my words (not one by one, just a rough estimate), and I've been taught almost 700 words!! I think I know maybe 500 :) Doesn't mean they all come to my brain in a conversation, but if they're printed out on a page, I can tell you what they mean. So exciting!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My New Friend :)

This baby cicak came into my room the other morning. I let him stay because he eats bugs :) He's only about 1in and a half long!