Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Just Another Day in SE Asia

Today, I...

  • Walked to my language lesson at 7:30am and arrived completely drenched in sweat
  • Studied language for 2 hours with my teacher, which I absolutely love :)
  • Finally got the "e" sound right in a pronunciation chart!
  • Stopped at the seamstress to pick up my kebaya (wedding outfit) and enjoyed a conversation with the pemilik (owner) while she so kindly fixed my skirt. (pic to come)
  • Visited my neighbor, who invited me to stay for soto ayam (chicken soup). While I ate, I watched rats (they're big here, like some of them I mistake for opossums crossing the road) running back and forth on her cement kitchen floor behind her. But, she was so happy I ate lunch at her house, so it was entirely worth it! Although she's known a lot of bulehs, she said I'm the first one that has been willing to eat in her home. 
They're much bigger than this, but this was all I could find. Maybe I'll get a pic of my own one of these days.
  • Babysat 2 little girls for a few minutes and made them laugh by pretending to sleep and snore, and successfully told them not to pull up the vegetable garden to feed it to the pet rabbit (whose fur by the way is part blue, part brown...naturally. It looks like he got into some paint, but nope, it's for real).
  •  Forgot a skype date with a friend :( -- I blame it on the lack of scheduling here
  • Took advantage of my supervisor's empty house (they're on vacation) for a quiet place to study for a few hours. Come to find out, there was a party across the street, which meant LOUD karaoke for the few hours I was there to study. Oh well, it kept me awake :)
  • Worked out in their backyard and discovered two little girls on the 2nd floor of the building across the street mimicking my every move. Glad I could provide laughs, entertainment, and exercise for them!
  • Tried to get ants out of the pet food bowls
  • Got a confused look from one of my neighbors when I responded to what I THOUGHT he said. By the look on his face, apparently I misunderstood his question.
  • Continued my never ending war with mosquitoes
  • Now looking forward to tom yam for dinner and who knows what adventures for the rest of the evening!


  1. OH MY! Uck!!!! Certainly hope you don't get sick or catch something! I would want to put my feet up on the table! You are by far braver than me!

  2. take a gun next time you go out to eat. Dad

  3. Mom, you need to learn how to post a comment under YOUR name, not mine! I didn't say those things!
