Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sometimes I Forget....

...that I look different than everyone else around me.

I had a moment like that today in the mall. I suddenly noticed EVERYONE around me staring at me and my two other white friends. At first, I was like, "Why is everyone staring at us?!" And then I remembered, "Oh ya, I'm in SE Asia and look different from everyone else!" We're kind of a novelty here because not many foreigners come through our city. Most days I'm VERY aware of that fact, but today, I just forgot. Maybe that's another sign that this is home now--I see those around me as no different from myself so I expect them to see me the same way. Or maybe it's because I was a sick hermit in my room all day yesterday so I forgot I was in another country. I choose to think the former is true :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Trip to the Waterfall

The clouds have become one of my favorite things about living here

This is a durian tree--no comment necessary

Keeping ourselves occupied while the others were "lost"

Green and mountain! Same mountain we hiked before where I made some friends with leeches

Lynette and me

Crazy friends :)


Reminded me of the waterfall in Honduras--shout out to my Honduras team :)

Isn't that amazing?!

Cave to the left of the waterfall--dad I thought of you and all the mine shafts we've found together

Tika and Valerie being crazy!

Today was amazing, enjoying nature with friends. Seeing Him all around me like that was so refreshing, just like being at home 4wheeling or hiking in the mountains--some of the best places I enjoy time with Him. I'm excited to be able to come here alone another day (when I can drive a motorcycle) and just be. Good day :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Grand Opening!

We had our grand opening for our English Center on Friday night. Karaoke, games, snacks, laughter, and lots of fun! It was a night of extrovertedness, for sure! Half of our students came, which was a great turnout--better than we've ever had at any events before! Here are some fun pictures from the evening...

hanging out in the reading area

one of my students--she's a teacher

two of my discussion class students learning how to play twister


my roomie and one of our close friends

massive banana grams game

me and our secretary :)

she gets to study for 2 months in the US soon!

one of my students that I'm closer with

explaining why we started the English center

We had lots of fun! There were a lot more pictures, but hopefully this gave a good idea of what we did :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Our New English Center :)

Game room/hang out room

Artwork done by creative people (aka, not me!)

Conversation bubble greetings

Snack room

More fun paint :)

Reading room upstairs

This is yet to be finished, but you can probly guess what direction we're headed...


Gotta love Dr Seuss!

Author bios

My favorite part of the whole center!! Valerie painted this!!

One of my fav books on the left