So, living in SE Asia has really stretched me (in a lot of ways!!) but in one way in particular...breaking away from being so much a J to becoming a little more P. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, go look up Myers Briggs and read what it means to be a J and what it means to be a P. Anyway...
Here is what is written in my planner for today (yes, I still keep a planner, even though it's kind of pointless here):
8-10am Language
11am Meet with student for lunch and studying
2pm Skype with Sarah Beth for accountability
5pm Go running
6pm Dinner and meeting with team
Here is what my day actually looked like:
8-10am Language
10:30-11am Talk with team
11am-12pm Buy water, pick up around the house, prepare for accountability
12pm Find nasi uduk for lunch for my student and me
12:30pm Student finally got here
12:30-2:30pm Eat and study with student
2:45pm Electricity is still out (since at least 11am) so go to supervisor's house to use their internet and tell SB I'm not gonna be able to talk
2:50pm Internet at supervisor's house doesn't work
2:50-3:40pm Enjoy a good chat with supervisor
3:40pm Walk home, stopping to talk to a neighbor (who changed my plans for tomorrow, oh the irony)
4:00pm Talk to our house helper & read because electricity is still out
5:00pm Rain started, right when I was going to go running, so I decide to work out in my room
6:00pm No meeting because their daughter's ballet performance got changed from tomorrow night to tonight
Not sure what the rest of the evening will hold! Guess we'll see!